See You At The 2020 San José Poetry Festival
Although I can credit most of my growth as a writer to the incredible teachers and peers I’ve studied with over the years, I want to also acknowledge a place that has pushed my boundaries as both a person and an artist: San José.
I have never been so involved in the literary world as I was during my undergrad career at San José State. I met, joined, and eventually led an amazing student organization that brought writers together from across the campus. We were regulars at Caffe Frascati’s Live Lit Writer’s Open Mic, where I first became involved with Poetry Center San José.
Each fall, PCSJ hosts a festival to celebrate the diversity and heritage of Bay Area poetry. This year, the sixth annual festival will be held on Zoom to keep everyone safe and healthy, so that we all can be together again next year. Some of the featured poets this year include former United States Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera and Los Angeles-based Salvadorian poet Yesika Salgado.
I’m very excited to announce that I’ll be reading during the small press fair & reading on September 13. My approximate presenting time is 2:35 pm, so make sure to log on in time (the event begins at 1 pm PST). This is a free event, but I highly encourage anyone in attendance to make a small donation to PCSJ. Don’t forget to RSVP on Eventbrite or below.
There are 8 days of workshops, readings, and slams you can sign up for, so make sure to check out their Facebook and Eventbrite pages to browse any other events you might be interested in.
“See” you there!